Sunday, January 30, 2011

Laura with Aaron, Billy and the Whack Attack!!

Chad and a few hot Michigan gals!

Catfish Hotel Landing


Absolutely the best picture I have ever taken that truly captures my beautiful wife!!

Cindy and the boys

Great picture of Grandma Cindy and her boys!

Dax & Grayson at Fort Donelson, Tn

One of our favorite pictures of the boys. Their great great great grandfather was captured by union forces not more than 200 yards in front of this cannon. He swore alegiance to the union after being shipped to Chicago via Springfield, and returned to fight for the 5th Tenn US calvary.

Pennsylvania Infantry Memorial Shiloh National Battlefield

A great picture of Nan & Laura in front of the famous Pennsylvania memorial in the middle of my favorite battlefield, SHILOH.

Beautiful Indiana Dunes state park

This looks like the boys have time traveled back to 1963!

Chad & Dax took the checkered flag!

Each summer Laura & I take the boys with my mom and dad to our local g0 cart track. Dad always tries to scope out the best go cart, but he could not hold us back as we easily passed him to victory!!

Katelyn & Addison took a shine to Dax this summer!

Tom proves that on the trail of life, he is the most interesting man alive!

Grayson & Dax getting down with some Christmas Eve excitement!

Christmas 2010

When celebrating Christmas this year, we visited Chad's parents in Kentucky. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Patty's. They have stores and a decorated courtyard. The boy's had a great time walking around and going into the different stores before dinner.